Pre-Interview Reflection

Pre-Interview Reflection

I chose the person I feel is best fit to interview as I have seen them work as a nurse throughout their years for many years now. They have been a nurse leader throughout their hospital in several different ways and have worked in several different departments. They are now currently one of the most senior nurses on their floor, are charge nurse/head nurse several days a week, as well as they are in charge of schedules and ensuring people sign in and out if they leave/come in early. She has special roles in ECT administration for patients and patients and her coworkers love her. This person shows qualities and characteristics of leadership in many ways. When talking about experiences through stories, they always seem to be one who stepped up and took charge on the unit. They have been someone that their younger and less experienced coworkers look up to, and that is something to admire.

            The leadership positions this person holds are both informal and formal. She has titles on her unit which have her in higher positions that make her a leader, but she is also an RN just like her fellow coworkers and peers and she works the same just as them. This person informally steps up and knows what to do in situations based on their personality and years of experience in the role. Whereas when she is fulfilling one of her duties as a leader in a title, she is expected to do the tasks at hand and to lead others through difficult situations. I am most excited to learn about how they grew as a leader and to learn about if they’ve always had this skill and personality trait, or if it something they have developed over the years. I am intrigued to hear about their progression and growth as a nurse and how they feel it has impacted their life and growth as a human being both in the work force and outside the work force. I am inspired by leaders and all that they do, and cannot wait to hear the insight this person has to offer.

One thought on “Pre-Interview Reflection

  1. Nice reflection. You answered all of the assignment prompts although could have used a bit further discussion on the difference between a formal and informal leader. Still, you eluded to the various positions she has had as both a titled and untitled leadership position. You obviously admire her and I am looking forward to hearing what you learn from her during your interview.

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